Irmeen Ashraf, MD
Yo! It says above that I am a doctor. Or, since both my parents were doctors, you could say I am
a second generation physician - or a brat.
- am an Indian that is married to a
Pakistani!!!!! ... ????
- was born in Aligarh, India but spent most of my time growing up (how ever
much I was able to do) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
- did my 11th and 12th and then my Medicine from JNMC, AMU
- am a second year resident in the department of Pediatrics at St. Vincent's
Hospital and Medical Center of New York.
- think that's all I want you to know (one can't be too careful nowadays,
now can one?)
© Last edited July 22, 1997, ISA.
© Created July 17, 1996, at http://www.rpi.edu/~ashrafs/mo.html, SIA
Feedback is welcome and taken seriously. Just email me at ashrafs@rpi.edu.