Sabahat Iqbal Ashraf
Khush Aamdaidh / Welcome / Sannu da zuwa / Wilkomen / Jee ayaa noo /
B-halee karee ayaa / Swaagatham / Pa khair raaghley / Wash aatkey / Bakhair
att / Ahlan wa sahlan / Khush geldin
At least one person has told me that listening to me is often times
like reading hypertext; what with stuff popping up and the listener having
to keep track of stuff and all that. And I have to admit, it certainly
feels at times that my mind is working in hypermedia. So I figure two things:
Firstly, I have to watch that I don't try to explain three things at the
same time to the same person. Secondly, I am counting upon The World Wide
Web being a natural medium for me. A medium that will help me organize
my thoughts, plans and activities and get to that ideal state I have been
working towards. So here goes!
What's in it for you? Well, I have some very varied interests
and you just might find something that you like and/or want to be part
of and/or just wanna laugh at. [See what I mean about talking in hypermedia?]
Let's see now ... I
Some Home Pages I maintain
A list of real Pakistani
companies on the Web. A wee out of date now, but it has a link to Yahoo's
list on the same topic.
NED University of Engineering
& Technology home page: as you might have noticed above, I have
initiated an alumni (and student) effort to give our alma mater a cyber-home.
[This page was the third page listed in
any Pakistani educational institution. Got pulled when this account was
offline for a short while. Haven't had any luck since - over a year now
- in getting it back in. Any suggestions?]
Human Rights Committee
home page of the Pakistan Students Association International (PSAI).
War Against Rape: the
home page of a Pakistani Human Rights NGO I am a member of.
Investing With a Conscience:
a page devoted to interest-free investing, the Islamic way. (This resource
was being developed in collaboration with Faisal Siddiqi. I am out of touch
with him and promise to update it when we get back in touch)
Amitabh Bachchan,
The Fan Club.
giving a home to an idea one of my friends had.
The Dhaisee Page:
"Dhais" is the word used by about a fifth of humanity to mean "country"
or simply, home ... an idea in the embryonic stage.
Parting Shots:
And for no particular reason
picture of Anita Ayub; Pakistan's Beauty Queen - by default.
© Last edited May 19, 1997, SIA.
© Created October 24, 1994, at
Feedback is welcome and taken seriously. Just email
me at